Not Pianika Still With You Jungkook

Not Pianika Still With You Jungkook

tolong tuliskan not pianika lagu Charlie puth feat Jungkook - left & right ​

1. tolong tuliskan not pianika lagu Charlie puth feat Jungkook - left & right ​




2. not pianika River Flows in You​

do re mi pa sol la si do

Semoga Bermanfaat oke jangan jadikan jawaban terbaik

3. not lagu shape of you pianika

Cari aja di google pasti ada:) google kan tau semua... cari aja:
"Not pianika shape of you"
Di jamin pasti ada;) kalau ngak cari di youtube;)

4. yang benar itu "why are you still be friend with her?" atau " why are you still friends with her?" makasii


Why are you still friends with her?


'Friends' di sini bukan berarti 'teman-teman', tapi sudah berubah ke kata kerja. Kalimat pertama bisa jadi benar kalau diubah sedikit jadi > Why are you still befriending her? (be friend ≠ befriend)

5. Tolongggg...... Buatin Not Angka Pianika Lagu see You Again

ni not angka lagu see you again.. moga bisa bermanfaat ya..

6. tolong tulis not pianika,treat you better ,tlong secepatnya karena buat tugas​


verse.31211,12331211,1123333511222321111111233,11233351122321111111233, reff. 771111371,121,111111312,121,11111232,111232,11111155,77111371,54343. sorry buru" ngerain

*pada reff, semua not tinggi kecuali 7

7. tolong tulisin not angka pianika lagu treat you better terimakasih

verse.31211,12331211,1123333511222321111111233,11233351122321111111233, reff. 771111371,121,111111312,121,11111232,111232,11111155,77111371,54343. sorry buru" ngerain
*pada reff, semua not tinggi kecuali 7

8. tuliskan not angka pianika lagu you raise me up

Silahkan diklik gambarnya

Semoga Membantu

9. tuliskan not angka pianika lagu you raise me up

Catatan :
# = 1/2 nada diatasnya (yang hitam)
\ = not bawah (titik 1 di bawah)
/ = not atas (titik 1 di atas)

When  I   am down  and  oh  my  soul  so   weary
  6#\  6#\  2#     5      6#\   4   2#     2    2#   6#\  2#
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
  2#     2#    5      6#    2#   1/    6#     6#   5      4
Then  I   am  still  and  wait here in  the  silence
   6#  6#   2/  2#/   2#/   2#/    2    1   5#   6#  5
  Until  you  come  and  sit  awhile  with  me
 2# 6#  5#      5        5     5   4  2#      2     2#
You raise me   up   so    I can stand  on mountain
 6#    1/     2/   2#/  2#/  2/  1/     6#    5#    6#    5
You raise  me  up  to  walk  on  stormy seas
 6#   4#/    2#/  3/   3/   2#/  1#/   7  1#/    5#
 I  am  strong when    I     am  on  your shoulder
7  2#/      3/       3/     2#/  1#/   7      6       7    5#
You raise  me  up  to  more than   I   can  be
  3     6#    5#    5   5      5      4     2#   2    2#
Insya Allah benar. Seterusnya diulang-ulang aja kan?
Maaf lama ya, tadi nyari dulu.
Semoga membantu.

10. not pianika suara 1 dan suara 2 You are the reason​


semoga membantu yaa:)

follow dong:)

11. not pianika paling gampang


12. not pianika lagu more than you know

More than you know

67 1^1^1^76 53 1 4433 1 4433

67 1^1^1^7653 1 4433  1 4433

12133 12133 12133 333333321 12133 1213 000

12133 1213 12133 3333333321 12133 1213 0000

67 1^1^1^7653 1 4433 14433

67 1^1^1^7653 1 4433 14433


12133 1213 12133 333333321 12133 1213 0000

12133 1213 12133 333333321 12133 1213 0000

1117v 7v6v6v5v 6v6v5v 1111 22

11117v 7v6v6v5v 6v6v5v 1111 22

* 671^1^1^ 7653 1 4433 1 44 33

671^1^1^ 7653 1 4433 1 44 33 1 44 33 1 44 33 1 44 33 144 33

Repeat * and fade out

(^ artinya nada yang lebih tinggi, ex: 1^, 2^ ; v artinya nada yang lebih rendah, ex:1v, 7v)

13. apa arti "are you still with me?"

apakah kau masih dgn saya?apakah kamu masih dengan saya ?

14. yang benar itu "why are you still be friend with her?" atau "why are you still friends with her?" makasi


Yang benar adalah

Why are you still friends with her?


Karena kata "be friend" itu artinya "jadi teman", yang berarti kata itu termasuk request atau permintaan (Will you be my friend? atau Can we be friend?)

15. tolong tuliskan not pianika lagu one direction - you and i​

Jawaban:Not Pianika One Direction - Little Things

Your hand fits in mine Like it's made just for me

1 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 3

But bear this in mind It was meant to be

1 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 (6) (5)

And I'm joining up the dots With the freckles on your cheeks

(5) (5) 3 3 3 5 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 2

And it all makes sense to me

(6) (5) 3 3 2 1 1

I know you've never loved

(6) 3 3 3 3 2

The crinkles by your eyes when you smile

1 1 1 1 1 3

You've never loved

3 3 3 2

Your stomach or your thighs

1 1 1 1 (6) (5)

The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

(6) 3 3 3 5 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 2

But I'll love them endlessly

(6) (6) 3 3 2 1 1


I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

2 3 4 3 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2

But if I do

1 1 1 5

It's you

1 5

Oh it's you

1 1 5

They add up to

1 3 3 2 2

I'm in love with you

2 2 1 3 1 1

And all these little things

1 4 4 4 3 3

You can't go to bed

3 3 3 3 2

Without a cup of tea

1 1 1 2 1 3

And maybe that's the reason

1 3 3 3 3 2 2

why you talk in your sleep

2 2 1 1 1 (6)

And all those conversations

(6) (6) 3 3 3 5 5 4

Are the secrets that I keep

3 2 1 1 2 3 2

Though it makes no sense to me

(6) (6) 3 3 2 1 1

I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape

1 3 3 3 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

You never want to know how much you weigh

5 5 3 5 1 5 5 5 3 3

You still have to squeeze into your jeans

5 5 5 5 5 1 2 3 3

But you're perfect to me

1 3 3 2 1 1


I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

2 3 4 3 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2

But if I do

1 1 1 5

It's you

1 5

Oh it's you

1 1 5

They add up to

1 3 3 2 2

I'm in love with you

2 2 1 3 1 1

And all these little things

1 4 4 4 3 3


You'll never love yourself

2 2 3 2 1 (6)

Half as much as I love you

1 1 1 2 3 4 3

You'll never treat yourself right darlin' But I want you to

2 2 3 2 1 (6) 1 1 1 5 3 5 3 3

If I let you know I'm here for you

2 2 2 3 4 3 2 3 3 5 2

Maybe you'll love yourself

2 2 3 4 3 2

Like I love you

3 3 5 2




I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

2 3 4 3 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2

But if I do

1 1 1 5

It's you

1 5

Oh it's you

1 1 5

They add up to

1 3 3 2 2

I'm in love with you

2 2 1 3 1 1

And all these little things

1 4 4 4 3 3


16. Rekomendasi not pianika + not pianika​


. . ... dan selanjutnya.....


maaf gk semua



Notangka/pianikaadalah suatu sistem penulisan lagu yang pertama kali ditemukan oleh GuidoD'Arezze,yaitu Seorang ahli musik asal Prancis ini, menciptakan sebuah metode dalam membaca notasi musik menggunakan simbol angka. Notasi angka dalam hal ini sangat tepat digunakan untuk mempelajari vokal atau bernyanyi.





Kelas: V

Materi: Notasi angka

Kata kunci: Pengertian notasi angka

Mapel: Seni

17. not pianika sabilulungan


55545 "1"54345
55432 321(5)1(2)
2321(5 5435) 12
33323 212345
215 215
(345)1212 44332
132 132
"1"543 432 12345

NOTE: ()=tinggi & ""=rendah
DA     MI    NA     TI       LA
1         2       3        4         5

18. not pianika pakkarena​


5 3 5 6 5 3 12 3 5

5 6 5 3 1 2 3 1 5 3

2 1 5 (6) 2 3 1 2 3

5 5 6 6 5 {1} 6 5 3 1 2 (6) 1

keterangan : (°) nada tinggi. contohnya si

{°} nada rendah. contohnya do

19. Makna still with you Jan asal jawab


still with you = tetap bersama mu


maaf kalau salah jawabannya ://


Still With You adalah bahasa inggris artinya Tetap Bersamamu

20. bagi not not pianika kak​


Not Angka Pianika Welut Ka Welut Kang Copet

1' 1' 1'1/' 6/ 6/ 5/6/

Tiap hari bangka dada

1'1' 1/' 6/6/ 5/ 6/

Deo dek lebih ngana

6/6/ 5/1/' 1/'1/'1/'

Lebih baik ba ilang

5/5/ 6/5/ 2/'2/' 4'4'2/'

Daripada sakit hati.....

1/' 1' 1/' 1' 1/' 1' 1/'

Welut ka welut welut

1' 6/ 4' 5/ 6/ 5/ 4' 4/'

Kang copet, pet copet copet

4' 2/'1/' 5/' 4' 1/'

Kang copet, kang copet

1/' 1/' 1/' 1/' 1/' 1' 2'

Welut welut kang copet

2/' 1/' 1' 1/' 1' 4' 2/' 1/' 1'

Kang copet, pet copet pet pet pet

4' 2/' 1/' 1'

Pet Pet pet pet

4/' 4' 2/'1/'

Pet kang copet

5/' 4' 1/'

Kang copet

1/' 1/' 1/' 1/' 1/' 1' 2/'

welot welot kang copet

2/' 1/'1'

pet pet pet

2/' 1/' 1' 6/

pet pet pet pet

1'1' 1'1/' 6/ 6/ 5/6/

Tiap hari bangka dada

6/ 1' 1/' 1'6/ 5/ 5/ 1' 1/'

5/ 1/' 1' 1/' 2/' 1'

5/ 1/' 2/' 1/' 1' 1/'

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