Not Dibanding Bandingkan

Not Dibanding Bandingkan

Sebutkan perbandingan patten not Indonesia dengan Eropa?

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1. Sebutkan perbandingan patten not Indonesia dengan Eropa?

ggv bukan karena itu orang tua

2. Kalimat perbandingan "bigger is not always better"

kalimat perbandingan adalah kalimat yang membandingkan antara dua benda yang d modifikasi
bigger is not always better perhaps has the meaning of pointing out the shape or the size of something, probably the body? because for some certain people, big shape is not always good to look at

3. Apa keistimewaan kerbang NOT dibanding gerbang OR dan AND


dalam penggunaan fungsi logika

AND = kedua atau seluruh persyaratan harus dipenuhi

OR = Cukup salah satu persyaratan saja

NOT = bukan yang tertera di dalam fungsi


a AND b = ab

a OR b = bisa a bisa b

a NOT b = harus a yang bukan b


Maaf kalau salah

Semoga membantu


dalam penggunaan fungsi logika

AND = kedua atau seluruh persyaratan harus dipenuhi

OR = Cukup salah satu persyaratan saja

NOT = bukan yang tertera di dalam fungsi


a AND b = ab

a OR b = bisa a bisa b

a NOT b = harus a yang bukan b


Semoga membantu

4. Tolong buatin 5 kalimat perbandingan bertema " Bigger is not always better " tentang rumah... Tolong dong,,

Bigger house make you feel lonelier

Bigger water bill make your wallet thinner

Bigger window make your privacy at risk

Bigger TV make you have eyes diseases

Bigger house make you have to spend more money for it's care

5. Tolong buatkan cerita tentang "bigger is not always better" menggunakan kalimat perbandingan. Contoh: Rina is smaller than the other. She is smallest but she the best student in our school

hnhbycbhnynmjnuvufdtcrbtntnyjtbtvrddtjykujybyyftseRhtjykujthrvtAlex is not taller than his friends in his basketball club. But he donate the most ball scored a years ago at the national basketball championship

6. Q. mathematics.......perbandingan antara banyak kelereng Rudi dengan Bima 3 : 2 perbandingan antara banyak kelereng Bima dengan Toni 6 :5 jika banyak kelereng Rudi 18 butir banyak kelereng Toni adalah.....its leviOosa not levioosarr​




Kelereng rudi dengan Bima = 3:2

kelereng Bima dengan Toni = 6:5


Jawab =


Kelereng Bima = 2/3 dari kelereng rudi

Kelereng Bima = 2/3 × 18

Kelereng Bima = 2 × 6

kelereng Bima = 12kelereng

Kelereng Toni = 5/6 dari kelereng Bima

Kelereng Toni = 5/6 × 12

kelereng Toni = 5×2

kelereng Toni = 10 kelereng




7. Untuk memahami struktur lagu dapat dibandingkan melalui struktur kalimat dalam bahasa yang di sebut ….a. Not balokb. Not angkac. Huruf dan baitd. Imrovisasie. Dinamika​

Jawaban:not balok


Semoga membantu


C. Huruf dan bait


8. Tolong buatkan kalimat perbandingan tentang bigger is not always better.. (Kalo bisa 5 kalimat yaa)

1. The elephant is bigger than ant. but, the elephant isn't always better than ant. your rank is bigger than me. But, your rank not always bertter than my rank

9. Operator Logika Not digunakan untukperbandingan ...a. Ataub. Danc. Tidakd. Tidak sama dengan​


C. Tidak


Maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

10. REAL PTS TKJ/RPL Waktu tersisa 00:41:21Soal 6Not yet answeredMarked out of 1.00Perbandingan antara gaya yang bekerja pada bahan dengan luas penampang beban disebut . .       a.Modulus youngb.Strain/reganganc.Stress/tegangand.Elastise.Hukum hooke​





11. 25.Berat telor 1600 gram berapakah dalam satuan ons adalah ....Ons26 Perbandingan 3 pupuk 5 ons dengan 3 pupuk 200 gram perbandingan untuk kedua bendatersebut adalah ....5 5 0 5 5 014 5 43124127. Susunan not angka diatas yang mendapat garis diatasnya harusdibaca.​

25) 1600/100 = 16 ons

26) 5 ons / 200 gram atau disamakan jadi ons semua sehingga menjadi 5 ons / 2 ons

maka perbandingan nya 5 : 2

12. Tulis bentuk perbandingan kalimat di bawah 1. Dewi is talkative. Ririn is not so talkativejawab:2. Durian is so rere to find.Banana is not rare to findjawab:3.The fried rice is so delicious.The soup is not so delicious.jawab:4.This tree us so shady.That tree is not shadyjawab:5. Rabbit is very tame. Dog is not tamejawab: tolong di jawab yaa ​


1. Dewi is more talkative than Ririn

2. Durian is more Rare than Banana

3. The fried rice is more delicious than the soup

4. this tree is more shady than that tree

5. Rabbit is more tame than dog

maaf kalo salah, udah lupa rumus:")


1. Dewi is talkative. Ririn is not so talkative

jawab: Dewi is more talkative than Ririn.

2. Durian is so rere to find.Banana is not rare to find

jawab: It's easier to find banana than Durian.

3.The fried rice is so delicious.The soup is not so delicious.

jawab: The fried rice is more delicious than the soup.

4.This tree us so shady.That tree is not shady

jawab: This tree is shadier than that tree.

5. Rabbit is very tame. Dog is not tame

jawab: A rabbit is tamer than a dog.


Untuk nomor 2 bisa juga A Durian is rarer to find than a banana.

Semoga membantu ya.

13. Buat kalimat perbandingan tentang bigger is not always better.. Tolomh dijawab yaa yang pintarr.. Kalo bisa 5 kalimat deh yaa

-jakarta city is bigger than others city in
maaf cuman satu doank

14. buatkan kalimat perbandingan dalam bahasa inggris bertema bigger is not always the????


1. Hulk is bigger than tony stark, but tony is smarter.

2. anthony is bigger than his son, but his son can run quickly.

P.S : just sample. bigger is not always be the best

15. kalimat perbandingan dalam bahasa inggris bertema bigger is not always the best??? minimal 5 kalimat


1. truck is bigger than van, but truck cant pass the small bridge.

2. his sister is bigger than his brother, but his brother is more smart.

3. That laptop is bigger than notebook, but the price if laptop is more expensive.

4. Samsung is bigger than nokia, but nokia is mire longlife.

5. negro's body is bigger than white people, but white people more smart.

P.S : number 5 have rasicsm ideology, ignor it

16. pada awal tahun 2016 Umur Pak Andi dan Umur Pak Santosa berbanding 7 banding 3 pada awal tahun itu juga akan berulang tahun yang ke-42 tentukan umur pak Santosa pada awal tahun 2017.caranya n jawaban..............."or"..............NOT HAVE A POIN.

Umur Santosa pada awal tahun 2017 adalah
[tex] =( \frac{3}{7} \times 42) + 1 \\ = 18 + 1 \\ = 19 \: \: tahun[/tex]
Semoga bermanfaat

17. Contoh minimal 12 kalimat tentang perbandingan bigger is not always better.

1. Eating a biiger-sized food would NOT make you cooler
2. Bigger trash, even worse(r) world
3. Bigger isn't always better
4. Bigger food, bigger body.
5. Try not to get the biggest building. 
6. you can lose your money for buying that big burger

18. Buatkan kalimat perbandingan dalam bahasa inggris bertema bigger is not always the best??

a. Elena is bigger than Claudy, but Elena is so slow.
b. Claudy's book is bigger than Elena's, but Claudy doesn't know what to do with her book.

Sorry klo masih ada salahnya.

19. buatlah sebuah teks pendek yang terdiri dari 5-6 kalimat perbandingan dengan tema "bigger is not always better" menggunakan bahasa inggris ya..

I have a friends. my friends name is toni .Toni is the most obese children.He was always making noise.He said he was the children of the most powerful. But i think bigger is not always better.Because i think even if he is strong but his heart is despicable

20. chapter IX "bigger is not always better" buatkan kalimat perbandingan dari kata: older, longer, faster, dan slower.Dan juga kalimat dr kata: the oldest, the longest, the fastest, dan the slowest

1. She is older than me
2. The log is longer than stick
3. The Buggati is faster than The Van
4. The snail is slower than cheetah

1. She is the oldest woman in this city
2. The longest neck of all animal is girrafe
3. Cheetah is the fastest animal
4. The slowest car is left behind

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