Not Angka Tiara

Not Angka Tiara

Tiara:hi,dio dio :hi,tiara tiara:(...............) dio:no,i am not tiara:(..............) dio:sure,what is it tiara:(...............)

Daftar Isi

1. Tiara:hi,dio dio :hi,tiara tiara:(...............) dio:no,i am not tiara:(..............) dio:sure,what is it tiara:(...............)


1. are you busy at the moment?

2. may I ask you a question?

3. can I borrow you book? I lost mine

maaf klo salah, semoga membantu <3

2. 70. Avi : Howdy?Tiara : Not so good.The underlined word means ...'a. Tiara is not in a good condition.b. Tiara is not in a bad condition.c. Tiara is fine as usual.d. Tiara doesn't feel very bad.​



3. not yang paling tinggi dari pianika.. tolong jawab untuk Tiara

do titik dua atas
semoga membantudo titik dua atas good luck

4. What does her mother say to check whether Tiara understands or not?

Checking understanding adalah ungkapan untuk mengecek atau menanyakan pemahaman seseorang.

What does her mother say to check whether Tiara understands or not? (Apa yang ibunya katakan untuk mengecek apakah Tiara paham atau tidak?)

Jawabannya adalah sbb:

Do you understand what mother's sayingTiara? (apakah Tiara mengerti apa yang ibu katakan?)Do you understand Tiara? (apakah kamu mengerti Tiara?)


Ketika menjelaskan sesuatu yang cukup sulit untuk dimengerti, kadang kita perlu mengecek apakah orang tersebut paham atau tidak atas penjelasan yang kita berikan.

Contoh ekspresi untuk mengecek pemahaman adalah sbb:

Do you understand, my students? = apakah kalian paham, murid-murid? Do you understand what I mean, Dyah? = apakah kamu paham Dyah? Do you understand what I’m saying? = apakah kamu paham apa yang saya katakan? Any questions? = ada pertanyaan?Do you got it? = apakah kamu paham?

Respon yang diberikan bisa seperti berikut:

I see. = saya paham I understand. = saya mengerti I got it. = saya paham Ok, I got what you mean. = Ok, saya paham maksud anda I understand what you mean = saya mengerti apa yang anda katakan

Pelajari lebih lanjutKalimat checking understanding ungkapan checking understanding lainnya jawaban

Kelas: 7

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Asking Clarification and Checking understanding

Kode: 7.5.8

Kata Kunci: Checking understanding, Checking understanding definition

5. How many persons are there in the dialogue 2 ? Who are they? Where does the dialogue take place? What does Tiara's mother say to Tiara to do? What does Tiara respon? Where will Tiara buy fish? How do Tiara go to the market ? where should Tiara buy ginger? What does her mother say to cher whether Tiara understands or not? What is Tiara's response ?​

1. Two

2. Tiara and Tiara's mother

3. At home

4. Order Tiara to buy some fish and ginger

5. Tiara wants to buy her mother some fish

6. At the market

7. By bicycle

8. At the supermarket

9. Do you understand?

6. Tiara is in rita's house.what do tiara and rita say? Tiara:........... Rita:.........


Tiara : excuse me, can i come in ??

Rita. : Don't be shy Tiara, come in

7. Dialog tiara : .... tusa : hi,tiara tiara : .... tusa : fine thanks


tiara : Hi, tusa

tusa : hi, tiara

tiara : how are you?

tusa : fine thanks

8. Tina22. Tiara : Hi, Selry. Are you studying Biology?Serly : No, I'm not. I'm ....... Math now.​


Tiara : Hi, Selry. Are you studying Biology?

Serly : No, I'm not. I'm StudyingMath now.


Im studying math now

#semoga membantu

9. Tiara:.....? Ilyas: Hi,Tiara Tiara:..? Ilyas: Fine, thanks.How about you Tiara: Very well,thanks​


isian pertama tiara: hi ilyas

isian kedua tiara: how are you?


smga membantu


1. Hi, pelajar Ilyas

2. How are you?


Tiara : Hi Ilyas

Ilyas: Hi Tiara

Tiara: How are you Ilyas

Ilyas: Fine, thanks. How about you Tiara?

Tiara: Very well, thanks

10. Tiara : Listen to me,Amel. Amel : What happen Tiara? Tiara expresses.... ​


asking for attention / to get an attention


Listentome!artinya 'Denger aku!' itu maksudnya adalah ingin mendapat perhatian (togetanattention) supaya dia bisa didengar oleh orang lain.


Tiara: Listen to me, Amel A

Amel: What happen Tiara?

Tiara expresses....

*Expressing attention.


Asking Attention is a sentence used when we want attention from someone we are talking to a sentence that we use when asking for attention.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><

11. Why did Tiara not share the message she received with others? (Cerita ada difoto)


Because she couldn't believe the news easily


Ada di paragraf kedua. Kalimat kedua sebelum terakhir

12. Conversation 2Tiara Hi, my name is Lusiana Tian Nice to .. (1) you!Rendra Glad to meet you too. Hmmmm.. Lusiana? Tiara?Tian : You just ... (2) me TiaraRendra Oh yeah, Tiara 1 ... (3) Rendra. Rendra Gunawan How are you Tiara?TiaraI am fine. Thanks. How (4) you?Rendra Not bad, thanksTiara Oh, this is my (5). JohnRendra : Hi John. Nice to meet youJohnNice to meet you too Rendraaboutfriend​


1. meet

2. Call

3. I am

4. About

5. Friend

Semoga membantu

13. what does her mother say to check whether tiara understaanda or not​


- Do you understand what I’m saying? (Apakah kamu mengerti apa yang saya katakan?).

- Do you know what I mean? (Apakah kamu tahu maksud saya?).

- Do you know what I’m saying? (Apakah kamu tahu apa yang aku katakan?).

- Do you know what I’m talking about? (Apakah kamu tahu apa yang aku bicarakan?).

- Do you get my point? (Apakah kamu paham maksudku?).

- Do you understand? (Apakah kamu paham?)

- Have you got it? (Apakah kamu mengerti?)

14. Dialog 3Tiara :Wisnu: Hi, Tiara.Tiara :Wisnu : I'm feeling better now after taking medicine.Tiara : What a relief!​


tiara:hi wisnu


tiara:what to you do

wisnu:i'm feeling better now after taking medicine

tiara:what a relief!


semoga membantuu

15. What does her mother say to check whether tiara understand or not


Mother : Do you understand?

16. Dialog 2Tiara :Ilyas : Hi,TiaraTiara :Ilyas : fine thanks. How about you?Tiara : Very well, thanks​


Tiara: hi ilyas

Tiara: how are you ilyas


Tiara:Hi, Ilyas


Tiara:How are you?

Ilyas:fine thanks.How about you?

Tiara: Very well, thanks

maaf kalau salah ya

17. tiara menjadi panitia pameran disekolah .tiara diberi tugas untuk mebuat pamflet.iformasi apa saja yang harus tiara tuliskan pada pamflet​


cara melakukan kerja, latihannya

18. ع7. wheres should tiara buy ginger?to check whather tiara anders lands or not?Ig, and what istiara'sresponese ?​


Where should Tiara buy ginger?

Tiara should buy ginger at local market or supermarket.


You can buy ginger in market, local market, and supermarket. If you have ginger plant in your house it would be better.







19. what kind of townhouse could you not buy at tiara village?

Arti .. Rumah kota seperti apa yg tidak bisa kamu beli di desa tiara?
Btw ini soal cerita,, ?rumah kota seperti apa yang tidak bisa kamu beli di desa tiara itu artinya

20. Tiara : Listen to me,Amel. Amel : What happen Tiara? Tiara expresses.... ​✍❤20 points❤✍​

Tiara: Listen to me, Amel A

Amel: What happen Tiara?

Tiara expresses....

*Expressing attention.


Asking Attention is a sentence used when we want attention from someone we are talking to a sentence that we use when asking for attention.


♥️Semoga Membantu♥️

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